at our Testimony Meetings

Severe Pain healed with God’s Love: I had a severe pain in my lower back that limited my movement and comfort. After a period of time with no apparent improvement, I engaged a Christian Science practitioner to pray with me about this problem. There was immediate improvement and relief. After a few days, the practitioner shared this thought with me: “God is Love and God is All, so there is no poison to get in the pot”. I felt the truth of that statement so deeply that the pain disappeared entirely at that moment and never returned.–Colin

Injuries from a fall: was exploring a venue for an outdoor summer event when I tripped over the uneven ground, fell hard, and landed with my face to the ground. I heard my nose crack. The friends with me scrambled to help in some way. But I asked to remain face down for a few moments in order to affirm spiritual truths that I learned in Christian Science. To start, I declared that there are no accidents in God’s kingdom–God knowingly maintains and sustains all His ideas. I also thought of my preparation for my role in the Sunday church service (I was serving as Second Reader of the weekly Bible Lesson). That helped me to see that nothing could interrupt or interfere with this important God-impelled activity! The bleeding stopped immediately, the slight swelling soon disappeared, and there was no bruising at all.–Natalie

Severe dysentery: Some years ago, I was working in India and living in a somewhat isolated guest house. Not long into my stay, I was stricken by a painful and weakening case of dysentery. Fluids came out of both ends of my body and I was unable to eat. I couldn’t help but think of the Bible story about the paralyzed man sitting by the Pool of Bethesda waiting for someone to put him in the healing waters. Jesus approached him and said take up thy bed and walk. Which he did. Christian Science teaches that Jesus’ healing was evidence of God’s Love and Presence, not just an exceptional miracle. And that there are spiritual laws which make that healing available to us here and now. As I turned to those teachings and asserted them in prayer and thought, the symptoms faded, and energy returned. It was amazing to my Indian colleagues, who had sought me out and insisted on taking me to the hospital,  not only that had I recovered without medical treatment (being dipped in the Pool of Bethesda), but also that I recovered so quickly compared to the general course of the familiar ailment. — Ed

Longtime growth on face: I’d had a growth on my face for about ten years, which had enlarged to the point where it was quite unsightly, and I feared might indicate a serious health issue. I’d pray a little as I had been taught in Christian Science, found some comfort, and then ignored it again (ignoring problems is not part of Christian Science!). Then while reading the Christian Science Bible Lesson one day, I came upon this statement: “That man is material, and that matter suffers, these propositions can only seem real and natural in illusion”. I understood in that moment that my beauty, in fact, my very life, was spiritual, not material. The next morning, I noticed that the growth was almost entirely gone. The next time I washed my face, the entire growth was completely gone, and my face has remained clear.–Kay

Challenges at birth: This past year, I was asked to pray for a friend’s daughter who was in intensive care with her newborn baby. Interestingly, that week’s Bible Lesson contained many helpful citations about creation. The following citation, in particular, came to mind: “To attend properly the birth of the new child, or divine idea, you should so detach mortal thought from its material conceptions, that the birth will be natural and safe. Though gathering new energy, this idea cannot injure its useful surroundings in the travail of spiritual birth. The new idea, conceived and born of Truth and Love, is clad in white garments… When this new birth takes place, the Christian Science infant is born of the Spirit, born of God, and can cause the mother no more suffering.” I called shortly after praying with that idea and found that the mother was already moved out of intensive care and the baby went home several days later.–Natalie

Cancer diagnosis: Some years ago, I was diagnosed with cancer of the cervix and ovary and a large mass in the womb, and a mammogram had revealed masses in my breast. After a full hysterectomy surgery, the surgeon said I was cancer free. However, the abdominal cancer later recurred, and I had to treat the breasts. During this phase, I heard a Christian Science Teacher explain that many physical healings involved healing relationship problems. I called on a Christian Science practitioner for Christian Science treatment, and a psychologist for relationship counseling. The Christian Science practitioner, over several months, reinforced the source of Love as God, and my true character as a reflection of God. As I considered my reaction within my relationships, I learned how to stand up for myself; when to correct the other person, and when to let it go. My ongoing study of Christian Science was helping me to understand my spiritual being as whole and healthy. After several months of this studying and praying, I felt strong and at peace. When I went in for another mammogram, the result letter came stating the breasts were “normal” along with everything else. I shouted out with joy! I am celebrating the twelfth anniversary of continued spiritual growth, good relationships and full health.–Janet

Mountain hiking fall: I was hiking to the top of one of Colorado’s 14,000 foot mountains, but this time on a different route through a steep gorge. On my way down, one of the first pinnacle rocks I leaned on went over, and I went with it. I hit a narrow, slanted ledge of rock, and I did my best to stop myself from going over. I mentally checked my body for any sign of broken bones. All seemed to be okay, even though I was covered in blood. Without much difficulty, I found a way to get off the ledge and continued moving slowly down the gorge. I was declaring very basic spiritual truths through it all: God is and He is good; that God loved me and cared for me and protected me. I couldn’t fall out of His loving care. When I got home, I called a Christian Science Practitioner who helped me gain control of the troubling recollections of the fall. He suggested I rewrite the “movie reel” that I was watching in my head, frame by frame as God saw it. I experienced protection and didn’t break any bones. God’s presence was evident. By the time I finished, the mental “movie reel” had stopped. I was free, and the cuts and bruises quickly healed.–Rusty